Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Argyle Shirt Update

It has been a while since I worked on my Argyle Shirt.  Other things going on in my life.  But yesterday I had the time to sit down and sew with my Bel Air a while.  It really does relax me.

This is the Simplicity 7330 Pattern with a collar stand and long sleeves.  I have the collar and pocket finished.
I have been working on the cuffs.

Here is how it looks now.  Hope it is not too busy.

Thanks for stopping.


  1. Do you use a buttonholer attachment to make buttonholes for your shirts? Or do you just use the zig zag stitch on your machine? Thanks

    1. I use a Greist 1Z buttonholer. I like the way the buttonholes look compared to the built-in ones from my machines that have a built-in buttonholer. I also have a Singer buttonholer for use with straight-stitch machines I like.
      I think if I tried to make buttonholes with the zig- zag stitch on the machine, they would all be different shapes and sizes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I went to your blog archive & read your April 14, 2012 post about your Greist 1Z buttonholer. I was thinking about buying an electronic sewing machine with a one step buttonhole feature but I've decided not to after seeing how well your Greist attachment works. I've got a Singer buttonholer attachments I'm going to try. I think it's neat that you figured out how to use the Greist 1Z on a new machine. Thanks for posting.
