Thursday, March 26, 2020

Touch and Go

Before the "shelter at home" order,  A fellow student in my quilting class asked me if I worked on machines.  I am guessing she did because I was sewing with my Bel Air Bantam in class.  I told her I liked to oil them.
BelAir Bantam

Anyway, she then told me she had two machines she would give me at the next class.

To my surprise she brought me a portable Singer 771 Touch and Sew.  I don't think this machine was ever used, it was sparkling clean.  However, I had to replace the rubber feed dogs because they had deteriorated due to age.   It is quiet and sews a perfect stitch.  It also does a two-step buttonhole.


Many steps for a two-step buttonhole.

The second machine was a Brother Select-O-Matic 100 in a desk.  This machine needed oiling, a belt, a lightbulb, and a new electrical cord, but still beautiful.  After doing the fixes it needed, I found it to be a great machine.

I am not sure if I will keep the machines or donate them to the Hospice thrift store.

Thanks for stopping.


  1. Where do you store all these machines? Since i got newer Bernina sewing machines, i am total ready to do a vintage machine clear out.

    1. I have a spare room I keep them in. I want to do a clear out also, but I am not sure how to do it. Selling on eBay is a pain because of packing.

    2. I am going to send some machines to the salvation army as a donation, the others i need to post them on kjiji, which is a free buyer/seller site created by ebay. It is like having an online local classified. All my machines have been fully restored so going to the pricing the same from each of near 100 dollards, i am going to be keeping a couple (vintage pfaff 332, 209 and a couple of singer 15-91, 201)
